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Rights Respecting Schools

Article of the month!

This month we would like to highlight some key terminology to support you and your children in understanding their rights. This may also feature on the homework sheet you see your children completing.


The two key terms we would like to focus on are rights holders and duty bearers. 


Rights-holders are individuals or social groups that have particular entitlements (in this case the children) in relation to specific duty-bearers. In general terms, all human beings are rights-holders under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Duty-bearers are state or non-state actors (in this case the adults including teachers who look after children), that have the obligation to respect, protect, promote, and fulfil human rights of rights-holders. This can be any adult your child comes into contact with for example sports coaches.


As always, if you have any questions about Rights, Respecting Schools please contact me via the Year 3 class page or visit the school website and go to the Rights, Respecting Schools Award page. We have just updated this page with the ABCDE Of Rights which will help you to find out more about rights of children in action.

Rights Posters on display in each classroom!

We have updated the posters in each classroom to help children identify their rights as children in our school. We will be reminding them of their rights as often as we can and remind them that they themselves are the rights holders. It is our job as duty bearers and staff to ensure that their rights are being met. If you would like to download a copy of these for yourself. Click the document below. 

ABCDE of Rights!


Rights are for all children and young people throughout the world (universal), are there at birth (inherent), cannot be taken away (inalienable), do not come with any conditions attached to them (unconditional) and are all equally important (indivisible). Whilst there is not an expectation that children and young people necessarily know the actual words that define these features of rights, it is important that they understand the meaning of them (within the context of their age and ability). ‘The ABCDE of Children’s rights’ is one way that can help children learn about the nature of rights. The resource has been designed for teachers and can be used by the school’s RRSA coordinator as part of staff training. Its purpose is to show how the concepts of rights being universal, inherent, inalienable, unconditional and indivisible can be explained, using a range of different approaches, to primary school age children. Take a look at the images below or download a copy for yourself to find out more information!

Rights Respecting Schools in the Spring term!


Our school has a continued commitment to helping children learn about and understand their rights. Here are the individual rights we will be exploring across the school linking to our weekly themes. Please ask your children about these articles and speak with them about how they impact them at home too.


Whole School Theme

Article of the Week

Staying Healthy - Keeping Fit

Article 25 – review of the treatment of care

Staying Healthy - Eating Well

Article 24 – health and health services

Chinese New Year 

Article 13 – freedom of expression

Keepping Safe Online

Article 17 - access to media and information

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week

Article 39 - recovery from trauma

Friends and Family - Valentine's Day

Article 5 - parental guidance and a child's evolving capabilities.

Educate and Celebrate

Article 2 - non discrimination

Looking after the environment

Article 8 - preservation of identity

British Science Week

Article 3 - best interests of the child

International Day of Forests

Article 6 - life, survival and development


Article 14 - freedom of thought, belief and religion

Rights Respecting School Award

We are absolutely delighted to announce that in July 2019 we achieved Rights Respecting School Award Gold Level.  This is the highest level on the rights Respecting journey and we have achieved this in a very short time.   This is due to the enthusiasm and hard work of all pupils and their duty bearers. We are hoping to be able renew the award in 2022 and once again raising the profile of the award across our school!

Article 42 - Knowledge of rights - We believe that the children should be able to understand the rights that they have as a child in our care as a school community.

Rights Homework

We are working hard to ensure children know about and understand their rights and that rights are talked about in our school community. 


All children have been asked to explore their birthday right as part of their 100 point homework for the Autumn Term.  This involves finding out about the right that links to your birthday (article number).  If your birthday in on 4th of the month find out about article 4.  You can also find out about your families birthday rights too.


In the Spring Term 100 point homework, the children have been asked to explore a number of specific rights agreed with their class teacher and respond in a way that means something to them. 


The website link below has lots of information about each article that is child friendly.


Article 4 - Implementation of the convention - The children will have access to their rights and understand how they are used to keep them safe in our school community. 

Read the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Article 45 - Unicef can provide expert advice to adults and children to give assistance on children's rights.

Rights Respecting Gold Level Report

Steering Group

Our School Council act as part of our Rights Respecting Steering group along with School Governors, Mrs Schofield, Mr Coxon and Mrs Shaw.

Click on the link below to our School Council website page to have a look at the work we have already done.

Article 12 - Respect for views of the child - The council meetings will be minuted and shared with the rest of the school.

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